Finding Esta by Shah Wharton Review

5 * Review for 2nd Ed. Finding Esta: #1 The Supes Series (#UrbanFantasy #ParanormalMystery) #amwriting

Disclaimer: I received a free copy of the book in exchange for an honest review.

Finding Esta


Finding Esta’ is the tumultuous tale of one extraordinary woman’s journey of self-discovery within a supernatural underworld.

Numerous psychic flaws have always cursed Luna, a fledgling journalist. All she wants is validation from abusive parents and intimacy without physical pain or mental anguish. But she is denied both.

She has just two friends, but they have one thing in common: They’re dead. One lives in Luna’s mind, like a house-share. The other kicks dark-shadow bootie in the Shadow Lands.

But when Luna’s investigation into the abduction of baby-Esta leads her to a clandestine supernatural community in Cornwall, her friends mysteriously vanish, and her sense of identity implodes as each incredible revelation steers her to a singularly mind-blowing question:

“What am I?”

Twenty-three years left in tatters at her feet, Luna’s mind further fractures…

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